فرم ارسالی جدید ارتباط با ما

  Pearl Meza
شماره همراه
متن پیام
  Hi to the bitacompany.ir Webmaster. I’m Pearl and I’ve just ran across your webpage at bitacompany.ir…

I located it after a quick look, so your SEO is performing well…

Content appears good…

One thing’s missing though…

A RAPID, SIMPLE means to communicate with you IMMEDIATELY.

As research indicate that a visitor like me will only stay a short time – 7 out of 10 vanish almost instantly, Browse Surf Click… then gone.

I’ve got the solution:

Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your website, ready to catch any visitor Name, Email address, and Phone Number. You will be aware instantly they’re interested, and you can phone them straight to SPEAK with them – virtually whilst they’re still on the web looking at your website.

CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to experience a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it functions and even go… it could be massive for your business.

Additionally, now that you’ve got the phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically initiate a text immediately… which is so strong, because connecting in 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting more later.

The new text messaging feature allows you follow-up regularly with new content even follow-up notes to build a a relation.

All I’ve just mentioned is extremely simple to put in place, affordable, and lucrative.

CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to learn what Web Visitors Into Leads can achieve for your company, converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!

PS: Web Visitors Into Leads gives a FREE 14 day trial – and it comes with International Long Distance Calls.
You have customers waiting to chat with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE https://advanceleadgeneration.com to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.

If you'd prefer to unsubscribe click here https://advanceleadgeneration.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=bitacompany.ir

Just a fast note – the names and email used here, Pearl and Meza, are not real and not actual contact data. We appreciate transparency and want to make sure you’re aware! If you desire to contact with the actual person behind this message, kindly visit our website, and we’ll associate you with the correct individual.}

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